MRS. WILKINSON, MS. YOLANDI, MS. SARAHWe are very honored to be entrusted with your most precious gifts! We will nurture them and love them but we will also stimulate them and expand their horizons. We are confident that we offer a quality program that meets the varying needs of each individual child and which will help your child to grow socially, physically, intellectually, creatively and emotionally. In order to meet these needs, we try to provide the following... |
What We Do |
Opportunities for making a variety of new friends; experiencing new social dynamics and interactions; working and playing together; for helping each other; for learning to wait patiently and taking turns; for respecting the feelings of others. 2. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Opportunities for gross motor activities indoors and out that free children to climb, swing, balance, run and jump, and for small muscle activities such as using pegs, puzzles, Legos, scissors and writing. 3. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT: opportunities to learn to use the mind for thinking, reasoning and problem solving such as measuring and pouring with rice or water; looking critically at their surroundings to see likenesses and differences; handling and experimenting with a variety of materials; opportunities for letter, shape, color, and number recognition. 4. CREATIVITY: opportunities to work and experiment with open-ended materials which meet the needs for self-expression, reconstructing reality and stimulating the imagination (play dough, paints, finger paints, cutting and gluing materials) and to express ideas, concepts, stories and role playing ( dress-up corner, house center, puppets). 5. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: learning to become more emotionally independent from parents, dealing with their emotions, developing feelings of confidence and self-worth; for learning cooperation skills and learning the value of being a “good listener”. All of these will help prepare your child for a successful transition to kindergarten. It is important to remember the “C” in GICNS. Starting with Orientation, we will need your Cooperation to make this year the best that it can possibly be for all of us...but especially for your (our) children. If you ever have any questions/concerns please contact any one of the classroom teachers—we are always willing to address any issues or concerns. |