This cooperative organization shall be known as the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School.
ARTICLE II Membership
Section 1. Any child of preschool age is eligible to apply. Deadline dates for classes will be as follows; 3-day and 2-day classes, child must be 4 or 3 respectively by December 1st.
Section 2. The total enrollment shall be determined from year to year by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The parents shall run the school on a non-profit, non-sectarian co-operative basis.
Section 4. The Executive Board, with the advice of the Teacher(s), has the right to terminate a child’s enrollment if he/she fails to fit in reasonably/comfortably with the group. This will occur only after verbal and written communications concerning the child’s inappropriate behavior has taken place with the parents or guardians. Upon termination of enrollment a prorated tuition refund will be given.
Section 5. A withdrawal from school may be finalized by a written letter to the Vice President. Refunds as per Article 8, Section 3.
ARTICLE III Administration
There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall administer the affairs of the school. The members of this Board shall be the elected officers of the school. Members may only hold their position if (i.) they have a child currently enrolled in the school and tuition is up to date, (ii.) it is a gap year between siblings that are attending the program, or (iii.) they were a previous member/parent of the school.
ARTICLE IV Officers and their Election
Section 1. The elected officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Equipment Chairman, Participation Coordinator Chairman, Communications Chairman, Social Chairman, Ways and Means Chairman, and Teacher Director.
Section 2. A present Board member wishing to change positions shall have priority for any open Board position before incoming.
Section 3. A nominating committee of the President and two Board members, one retiring and one returning, shall be chosen in March. The Nominating Committee shall review all volunteers for Board positions from the returned applications. Board positions shall be filled for a one year term. If two or more people want the same position, the position shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The election of the slate of officers chosen by the Nominating Committee will be held at the Spring Board meeting. The slate will be presented, nominations from the floor accepted and voted upon per Article VII. A simple majority constitutes the election.
Section 5. The un-expired term for any officer shall be filled by appointment of the President with the 2/3 approval of the Executive Board.
Section 6. Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Financial Secretary. This board shall be used for any emergency decision when the Board of Directors cannot meet or be reached. They shall be able to make a decision that is for the good of the school in regards to education, safety, or monetary matters. The voting process shall be as per Article VII.
ARTICLE V Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall: (a) preside all meetings of the Executive Board; (b) be a member ex-officio of all committees; (c) prepare all agendas for each monthly board meeting and hold monthly meetings assuring compliance with By-Laws (d) Supervise and coordinate all other board positions and business (e) at the onset of each year and when necessary, maintain board meeting confidentiality by communicating to new and returning board members the importance of confidentiality, especially as it relates to disclosing specific Co-op student/family names for the purpose of conducting business and/or discussing program needs (f) coordinate annual orientation in conjunction with Vice-President (g) write letter from President for newsletter in first and last issue and whenever necessary changes demand (h) maintain, update and file all official business (i) maintain, update and file all personnel files (including resumes, contracts, resignation letters, leave of absence etc.) (j) write and deliver yearly contracts to all teachers by May (k) assure lawful hiring and/or dismissal of teachers through committee when necessary (l) contact church-receive Rent Contract each January and file at school (m) prepare school calendars as per Grand Island School District calendar suggestion in July/August (n) prepare yearly budget in conjunction with Treasurer and two additional Board members. (o)assure all fundraising is carried out and sufficient funds are obtained. Re-evaluate all fundraiser options in beginning of school year (p) resolve issues as they arise as per By-laws guidelines and/or Roberts Rules of Order (q) assure GICOOP is in compliance with suggested NY State Preschool guidelines as they relate to Kindergarten readiness (February/March) ( r ) evaluate marketing possibilities with corresponding secretary in January to assure proper school enrollment (s) hand-over business binder, personnel files and Roberts Rules of Order to incoming President at end-of-year meeting (t) along with other members of the Executive Board, as described in Article IV, Section 6, annually consider awarding a teacher bonus when it is both warranted and financially feasible at year end. If consideration is both warranted and feasible, per Article X, the Executive Board will have the power to vote and approve bonuses and voting should be in accordance with Article VII.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall act as aid of the President and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. Specifically, the VP shall be membership chairman for the nursery school and shall plan enrollment procedure throughout the year. The VP shall collect and record application fees and shall keep a complete enrollment list available at all times. The VP shall inform the Financial Secretary and Participation Coordinator Chairman of any class changes.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall: (a) write and file in the notebook complete minutes of all business activities of the Board; (b) keep a complete and accurate list of members and officers; (c) take membership at all meetings. These records shall be updated each month.
Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall: (a) conduct correspondence; (b) be responsible for necessary publicity
Section 5. The Treasurer shall (a) receive all monies of the group (b) keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures (c) pay all bills as approved by the Board (d) submit books for yearly audit as required and is part of the budget process (e) pick up all mail at Post Office weekly and distribute it to its correct owners weekly (f) paychecks—deal with accounting 941 taxes (payroll) (g) in December and along with the Executive Board, shall set tuition, fees and mandatory fundraising requirements to be disclosed in the upcoming January applications for the following school year (h) prepare yearly budget in conjunction with President and two other individuals, preferably with at least one who has set the previous year’s budget (i) keeps track of sick days for teachers. Please note that access to a personal computer as well as Quicken ’98 and spreadsheet skills are necessary. Also see Article VII as it relates to Finance.
Section 6. The Financial Secretaryshall: (a) collect and record and deposit all registration fees, tuition, late fees and non-sufficient fund fees (b) collect and deposit all monies collected by the school including field trip fees, special project fees, fundraisers, special donations and school photos (c) all monies will be deposited by category and all deposit slips are to be turned over to the Treasurer (d) the Financial Secretary will work with the Vice-President to ensure all registration fees and initial deposits are collected to ensure full classes prior to September 1st (e) The Financial Secretary will determine any pro-rated amounts due for late enrollments and refund for any student withdrawals (f) will hand-over business guides to incoming Financial Secretary.
Section 7. The Equipment Chairman
shall be responsible for the care and upkeep of all existing equipment in and outdoors. Additionally, the Chairman shall keep a complete inventory of the nursery school equipment, this inventory is to be taken at the end of each school year. Specific outdoor duties include putting up the swings in early Spring, taking down the swings and storing them in the church basement around November 1, weeding the playground, nursery school entrance and adding cushion wood according to code as needed. The Chairman shall submit equipment needs of the nursery school to the Board for purchase approval. Upon authorization of the Board, the Chairman shall purchase the approved equipment and forward the bill to the Treasurer. In the event that it is impossible to charge the purchase to the nursery school, a receipt shall be obtained to facilitate reimbursement of the purchase price.
Section 8. The Communications Chairman shall(a) be responsible for editing on an as needed basis the school’s handbook (b) copy and distribute school handbook at Orientation program for all parents (b) prepare, copy and distribute all school newsletters.
Section 9. The Participation Coordinator/Chairman shall be responsible for overseeing the preparation of all in class participation schedules. The chairman is also responsible for setting up and coordinating the school’s Cooperative Commitments policy and maintaining records regarding this policy.
Section 10. The Social Chairman shall be responsible for planning major school and board functions. Specifically, such functions include the Fall Orientation, Kindergarten Readiness Program and the year-end Picnic. All functions involve coordinating the related food and beverage, reserving the rooms necessary, complete with table and chair set-up. Picnic responsibility also involves soliciting local businesses for donations related to the food, beverage and related activities (bounce house…). In addition, the Chairman is responsible for coordinating transportation with a local bus company for any necessary field trip(s).
Section 11. The Ways and Means Chairman shall: (a) devise fund-raising projects to meet the financial needs of the nursery school, which are not covered by tuition and registration fees; (b) present plans of work to the Board and no project shall be undertaken without the approval of the Board; (c) arrange and supervise the taking of class pictures; (d) be responsible for setting up sales and distribution of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and bags having the school’s logo;(e) will oversee all fundraising committees.
Section 12. All Board members will be responsible for keeping a notebook to document their responsibilities and their progress.
Section 1. The Board shall hold business meetings at a time and place determined by the Board. These meetings shall be kept confidential as per the Confidentiality Agreement. Personal information disclosed at monthly Board meetings shall be kept confidential.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the written request of three members of the Board.
Section 3. The newly elected officers shall be installed at a year-end meeting. A special joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming Boards shall be held before the end of the school year. At this meeting the outgoing board members have the responsibility to inform and hand over all information concerning their board position to the incoming board member.
Section 4. Attendance at Board meetings is required. If a Board member is to be excused it must be done by the President, who will monitor attendance via the meeting minutes. Report must be turned in covering the previous month’s job done by chairman. It is the Chairman’s responsibility to contact the President after a missed meeting to ensure the position’s responsibilities are fulfilled.
Section 5. Three absences from Board meetings will result in loss of position. The position will thereby be filled by the regulations in Article IV section 6.
Section 1. For Board meetings and Executive Board meetings, a majority of all Board members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum consists of one or more of ½ of these members.
Section 2. Voting shall not take place unless a quorum is present.
Section 3. All board members present at a given meeting shall vote. A 2/3 vote of these board members shall pass the motion.
Section 3a. In case of hiring or dismissal of a teacher or Teacher Director there must be a 2/3 vote of all Board members.
Section 4. These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote (per Section 3) of the Board members and a 30 day public posting.
Section 5. The teachers and Teacher Director shall have full voting privileges except for the budget and teacher salaries related matters.
Section 1. An audit of every 10th check shall be completed at the end of each fiscal year. The audit shall be done by the outgoing Treasurer, outgoing President, incoming Treasurer, incoming President, and a third person.
Section 2. The tuition fees, application fees, mandatory fundraising option, and all other fundraisers shall be determined by the Board on a year-to-year basis, and the method of payment shall be specified in each handbook.
Section 3. No refund of money shall be made for absences. Official withdrawals will be accepted in writing. Any tuition amount(s) paid to the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School prior to the date of a withdrawal will not receive a refund.
Section 4. The fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th the following year.
ARTICLE IX School Calendar
Section 1. The school calendar is based on the public school calendar. Additional changes are made by the President, Board Members and Teachers as per special co-op needs. Voting process shall take place as per Article VII.
Section 2. School closing will coincide with Grand Island Public Schools. Emergency school closings are to be determined by President and Teachers. Parents are to be notified by emergency calling trees.
Section 3. A parent orientation will launch each school year. This orientation will take place prior to the 1st day of class.
Section 1. The Teachers shall be hired or dismissed as per Article VII, Section 3a.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the power of making contracts with the employees. The President shall sign all contracts as representative of the school by April 1st of each year. This Executive Board’s power also includes annual consideration of teacher bonuses at year end, as per Article V, Section 1 (t).
Section 3. The Teachers shall be hired on a yearly basis and contracts shall be signed and returned to the President by April 31st.
Section 4. In addition to the normal class sessions and any special class programming, the employee must also attend all applicable activities outlined in their contract.
Section 5. A full time employee shall receive two times their weekly work sessions of paid leave. Part time employees will be pro-rated. Unused sick days are to be paid on June15th every year. Sick days cannot be carried over.
Section 6. Employee will be paid on the 1st and 15th of each month, beginning September 15th. Twenty proportional checks are to be paid through the school year.
Section 7. Hours of work will be dictated by contract and any additional time as necessary to fulfill duties. The exact schedule of classes shall be determined and set by the President and teachers and agreed upon by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE XI Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern this group in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not consistent with these by-laws. The President shall keep a copy of this Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XII Dissolution Provision
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall after necessary expenses thereof be distributed exclusively for the purpose of the organization in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 1116 (a) (4) of the New York State Sales and use Tax Law. All property shall be offered to Trinity Church in existence on Grand Island, NY at time of dissolution.
ARTICLE XIII Non-Inurement Provision
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the organization, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the organization), and no member, trustee, officer of the organization or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets on dissolution of the organization.
ARTICLE XIV Restrictive Legislation Provision
No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene.
This cooperative organization shall be known as the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School.
ARTICLE II Membership
Section 1. Any child of preschool age is eligible to apply. Deadline dates for classes will be as follows; 3-day and 2-day classes, child must be 4 or 3 respectively by December 1st.
Section 2. The total enrollment shall be determined from year to year by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The parents shall run the school on a non-profit, non-sectarian co-operative basis.
Section 4. The Executive Board, with the advice of the Teacher(s), has the right to terminate a child’s enrollment if he/she fails to fit in reasonably/comfortably with the group. This will occur only after verbal and written communications concerning the child’s inappropriate behavior has taken place with the parents or guardians. Upon termination of enrollment a prorated tuition refund will be given.
Section 5. A withdrawal from school may be finalized by a written letter to the Vice President. Refunds as per Article 8, Section 3.
ARTICLE III Administration
There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall administer the affairs of the school. The members of this Board shall be the elected officers of the school. Members may only hold their position if (i.) they have a child currently enrolled in the school and tuition is up to date, (ii.) it is a gap year between siblings that are attending the program, or (iii.) they were a previous member/parent of the school.
ARTICLE IV Officers and their Election
Section 1. The elected officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Equipment Chairman, Participation Coordinator Chairman, Communications Chairman, Social Chairman, Ways and Means Chairman, and Teacher Director.
Section 2. A present Board member wishing to change positions shall have priority for any open Board position before incoming.
Section 3. A nominating committee of the President and two Board members, one retiring and one returning, shall be chosen in March. The Nominating Committee shall review all volunteers for Board positions from the returned applications. Board positions shall be filled for a one year term. If two or more people want the same position, the position shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The election of the slate of officers chosen by the Nominating Committee will be held at the Spring Board meeting. The slate will be presented, nominations from the floor accepted and voted upon per Article VII. A simple majority constitutes the election.
Section 5. The un-expired term for any officer shall be filled by appointment of the President with the 2/3 approval of the Executive Board.
Section 6. Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Financial Secretary. This board shall be used for any emergency decision when the Board of Directors cannot meet or be reached. They shall be able to make a decision that is for the good of the school in regards to education, safety, or monetary matters. The voting process shall be as per Article VII.
ARTICLE V Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall: (a) preside all meetings of the Executive Board; (b) be a member ex-officio of all committees; (c) prepare all agendas for each monthly board meeting and hold monthly meetings assuring compliance with By-Laws (d) Supervise and coordinate all other board positions and business (e) at the onset of each year and when necessary, maintain board meeting confidentiality by communicating to new and returning board members the importance of confidentiality, especially as it relates to disclosing specific Co-op student/family names for the purpose of conducting business and/or discussing program needs (f) coordinate annual orientation in conjunction with Vice-President (g) write letter from President for newsletter in first and last issue and whenever necessary changes demand (h) maintain, update and file all official business (i) maintain, update and file all personnel files (including resumes, contracts, resignation letters, leave of absence etc.) (j) write and deliver yearly contracts to all teachers by May (k) assure lawful hiring and/or dismissal of teachers through committee when necessary (l) contact church-receive Rent Contract each January and file at school (m) prepare school calendars as per Grand Island School District calendar suggestion in July/August (n) prepare yearly budget in conjunction with Treasurer and two additional Board members. (o)assure all fundraising is carried out and sufficient funds are obtained. Re-evaluate all fundraiser options in beginning of school year (p) resolve issues as they arise as per By-laws guidelines and/or Roberts Rules of Order (q) assure GICOOP is in compliance with suggested NY State Preschool guidelines as they relate to Kindergarten readiness (February/March) ( r ) evaluate marketing possibilities with corresponding secretary in January to assure proper school enrollment (s) hand-over business binder, personnel files and Roberts Rules of Order to incoming President at end-of-year meeting (t) along with other members of the Executive Board, as described in Article IV, Section 6, annually consider awarding a teacher bonus when it is both warranted and financially feasible at year end. If consideration is both warranted and feasible, per Article X, the Executive Board will have the power to vote and approve bonuses and voting should be in accordance with Article VII.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall act as aid of the President and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. Specifically, the VP shall be membership chairman for the nursery school and shall plan enrollment procedure throughout the year. The VP shall collect and record application fees and shall keep a complete enrollment list available at all times. The VP shall inform the Financial Secretary and Participation Coordinator Chairman of any class changes.
Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall: (a) write and file in the notebook complete minutes of all business activities of the Board; (b) keep a complete and accurate list of members and officers; (c) take membership at all meetings. These records shall be updated each month.
Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall: (a) conduct correspondence; (b) be responsible for necessary publicity
Section 5. The Treasurer shall (a) receive all monies of the group (b) keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures (c) pay all bills as approved by the Board (d) submit books for yearly audit as required and is part of the budget process (e) pick up all mail at Post Office weekly and distribute it to its correct owners weekly (f) paychecks—deal with accounting 941 taxes (payroll) (g) in December and along with the Executive Board, shall set tuition, fees and mandatory fundraising requirements to be disclosed in the upcoming January applications for the following school year (h) prepare yearly budget in conjunction with President and two other individuals, preferably with at least one who has set the previous year’s budget (i) keeps track of sick days for teachers. Please note that access to a personal computer as well as Quicken ’98 and spreadsheet skills are necessary. Also see Article VII as it relates to Finance.
Section 6. The Financial Secretaryshall: (a) collect and record and deposit all registration fees, tuition, late fees and non-sufficient fund fees (b) collect and deposit all monies collected by the school including field trip fees, special project fees, fundraisers, special donations and school photos (c) all monies will be deposited by category and all deposit slips are to be turned over to the Treasurer (d) the Financial Secretary will work with the Vice-President to ensure all registration fees and initial deposits are collected to ensure full classes prior to September 1st (e) The Financial Secretary will determine any pro-rated amounts due for late enrollments and refund for any student withdrawals (f) will hand-over business guides to incoming Financial Secretary.
Section 7. The Equipment Chairman
shall be responsible for the care and upkeep of all existing equipment in and outdoors. Additionally, the Chairman shall keep a complete inventory of the nursery school equipment, this inventory is to be taken at the end of each school year. Specific outdoor duties include putting up the swings in early Spring, taking down the swings and storing them in the church basement around November 1, weeding the playground, nursery school entrance and adding cushion wood according to code as needed. The Chairman shall submit equipment needs of the nursery school to the Board for purchase approval. Upon authorization of the Board, the Chairman shall purchase the approved equipment and forward the bill to the Treasurer. In the event that it is impossible to charge the purchase to the nursery school, a receipt shall be obtained to facilitate reimbursement of the purchase price.
Section 8. The Communications Chairman shall(a) be responsible for editing on an as needed basis the school’s handbook (b) copy and distribute school handbook at Orientation program for all parents (b) prepare, copy and distribute all school newsletters.
Section 9. The Participation Coordinator/Chairman shall be responsible for overseeing the preparation of all in class participation schedules. The chairman is also responsible for setting up and coordinating the school’s Cooperative Commitments policy and maintaining records regarding this policy.
Section 10. The Social Chairman shall be responsible for planning major school and board functions. Specifically, such functions include the Fall Orientation, Kindergarten Readiness Program and the year-end Picnic. All functions involve coordinating the related food and beverage, reserving the rooms necessary, complete with table and chair set-up. Picnic responsibility also involves soliciting local businesses for donations related to the food, beverage and related activities (bounce house…). In addition, the Chairman is responsible for coordinating transportation with a local bus company for any necessary field trip(s).
Section 11. The Ways and Means Chairman shall: (a) devise fund-raising projects to meet the financial needs of the nursery school, which are not covered by tuition and registration fees; (b) present plans of work to the Board and no project shall be undertaken without the approval of the Board; (c) arrange and supervise the taking of class pictures; (d) be responsible for setting up sales and distribution of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and bags having the school’s logo;(e) will oversee all fundraising committees.
Section 12. All Board members will be responsible for keeping a notebook to document their responsibilities and their progress.
Section 1. The Board shall hold business meetings at a time and place determined by the Board. These meetings shall be kept confidential as per the Confidentiality Agreement. Personal information disclosed at monthly Board meetings shall be kept confidential.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the written request of three members of the Board.
Section 3. The newly elected officers shall be installed at a year-end meeting. A special joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming Boards shall be held before the end of the school year. At this meeting the outgoing board members have the responsibility to inform and hand over all information concerning their board position to the incoming board member.
Section 4. Attendance at Board meetings is required. If a Board member is to be excused it must be done by the President, who will monitor attendance via the meeting minutes. Report must be turned in covering the previous month’s job done by chairman. It is the Chairman’s responsibility to contact the President after a missed meeting to ensure the position’s responsibilities are fulfilled.
Section 5. Three absences from Board meetings will result in loss of position. The position will thereby be filled by the regulations in Article IV section 6.
Section 1. For Board meetings and Executive Board meetings, a majority of all Board members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum consists of one or more of ½ of these members.
Section 2. Voting shall not take place unless a quorum is present.
Section 3. All board members present at a given meeting shall vote. A 2/3 vote of these board members shall pass the motion.
Section 3a. In case of hiring or dismissal of a teacher or Teacher Director there must be a 2/3 vote of all Board members.
Section 4. These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote (per Section 3) of the Board members and a 30 day public posting.
Section 5. The teachers and Teacher Director shall have full voting privileges except for the budget and teacher salaries related matters.
Section 1. An audit of every 10th check shall be completed at the end of each fiscal year. The audit shall be done by the outgoing Treasurer, outgoing President, incoming Treasurer, incoming President, and a third person.
Section 2. The tuition fees, application fees, mandatory fundraising option, and all other fundraisers shall be determined by the Board on a year-to-year basis, and the method of payment shall be specified in each handbook.
Section 3. No refund of money shall be made for absences. Official withdrawals will be accepted in writing. Any tuition amount(s) paid to the Grand Island Cooperative Nursery School prior to the date of a withdrawal will not receive a refund.
Section 4. The fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th the following year.
ARTICLE IX School Calendar
Section 1. The school calendar is based on the public school calendar. Additional changes are made by the President, Board Members and Teachers as per special co-op needs. Voting process shall take place as per Article VII.
Section 2. School closing will coincide with Grand Island Public Schools. Emergency school closings are to be determined by President and Teachers. Parents are to be notified by emergency calling trees.
Section 3. A parent orientation will launch each school year. This orientation will take place prior to the 1st day of class.
Section 1. The Teachers shall be hired or dismissed as per Article VII, Section 3a.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the power of making contracts with the employees. The President shall sign all contracts as representative of the school by April 1st of each year. This Executive Board’s power also includes annual consideration of teacher bonuses at year end, as per Article V, Section 1 (t).
Section 3. The Teachers shall be hired on a yearly basis and contracts shall be signed and returned to the President by April 31st.
Section 4. In addition to the normal class sessions and any special class programming, the employee must also attend all applicable activities outlined in their contract.
Section 5. A full time employee shall receive two times their weekly work sessions of paid leave. Part time employees will be pro-rated. Unused sick days are to be paid on June15th every year. Sick days cannot be carried over.
Section 6. Employee will be paid on the 1st and 15th of each month, beginning September 15th. Twenty proportional checks are to be paid through the school year.
Section 7. Hours of work will be dictated by contract and any additional time as necessary to fulfill duties. The exact schedule of classes shall be determined and set by the President and teachers and agreed upon by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE XI Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern this group in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not consistent with these by-laws. The President shall keep a copy of this Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XII Dissolution Provision
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall after necessary expenses thereof be distributed exclusively for the purpose of the organization in such a manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 1116 (a) (4) of the New York State Sales and use Tax Law. All property shall be offered to Trinity Church in existence on Grand Island, NY at time of dissolution.
ARTICLE XIII Non-Inurement Provision
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the organization, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the organization), and no member, trustee, officer of the organization or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets on dissolution of the organization.
ARTICLE XIV Restrictive Legislation Provision
No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene.
ByLaws last amended February 2023