By its very nature, a cooperative school is one where parents work together to run the program. At our Co-op, there are many tasks in and outside of the classroom that need to be done to keep the school running smoothly. The teachers and parents act as a team working together for the benefit of all the children. Therefore, parent cooperative commitments and participation in the classroom are an integral part of cooperative schools. The parents (and/or guardians) assist the teachers in the classroom on a rotating basis and participate in the classroom activities.
Classroom Participation Guidelines
Below is what you can expect while participating in the classroom:
ARRIVAL - When you first come in, assist children with their coat and boot removal, getting sneakers on and tied. Encourage them to find their name or address on the table if those cards are laid out.
SNACK SET UP - Help to clear tables and then wash them prior to setting up snack. Your child will help you place the napkins, cups, and (sometimes) the snack at each place. The drink must be poured by the participating grown up.
SNACK CLEAN UP - Clean the tables, sweep the floor, wipe chairs.
ALL-AROUND HELPER - While you are here you are a teacher’s aide. Find ways to interact with the children…do puzzles, play memory or card games, use building blocks, read a story, use your imagination, get down on the floor, squeeze into a little chair, play and HAVE FUN with the children! The teachers count on you for help during the various routines. If in doubt of what to do, please – ASK. Together, you and the teachers are a team working with the children.
ARRIVAL - When you first come in, assist children with their coat and boot removal, getting sneakers on and tied. Encourage them to find their name or address on the table if those cards are laid out.
SNACK SET UP - Help to clear tables and then wash them prior to setting up snack. Your child will help you place the napkins, cups, and (sometimes) the snack at each place. The drink must be poured by the participating grown up.
SNACK CLEAN UP - Clean the tables, sweep the floor, wipe chairs.
ALL-AROUND HELPER - While you are here you are a teacher’s aide. Find ways to interact with the children…do puzzles, play memory or card games, use building blocks, read a story, use your imagination, get down on the floor, squeeze into a little chair, play and HAVE FUN with the children! The teachers count on you for help during the various routines. If in doubt of what to do, please – ASK. Together, you and the teachers are a team working with the children.
Snack Time
Snack time is an opportunity for the children to learn how to follow directions, practice using manners, and to sit and socialize with their peers at a table setting. This will help prepare them for kindergarten lunch time. Snacks will be small and as healthy as possible. If you are bringing a special treat to celebrate a birthday, we ask the sweets be a small portion (example: one oreo, or a mini cupcake vs full size). Below are some snacks that you can expect your child to have.